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Young Infants (6 Weeks - 9 Months) 1:4 ratio

Babies in our nursery follow the schedule set up by their parents. Our warm and caring infant teachers will build a bond of trust with you and your child, and will do their best to take care of your child just as you would. Feeding time and naptime are done as needed, consistent with the infant’s own schedule and their home routine. Early infancy is an amazing time, filled with discovery and development. Our infants have a lesson plan that changes with every month. Included in the lesson plan are activities to promote physical growth, emotional growth, social development, language and social skills, and cognitive development. Our young infants are exposed to a variety of different experiences on a daily basis such as classical music, making keepsakes and art projects, singing songs, story time, and a variety of simple games. Age-appropriate toys and equipment are rotated throughout the day in addition to the lesson plans. Each infant is given as much one-on-one interaction as possible during the day.

Older Infants (9 Months - 18 Months) 1:4 ratio

When beginning in our older infant classroom, children will follow the schedule set by their parents. Children will eat and nap as needed, until they fall into the natural schedule of the classroom. The babies are offered a variety of activities every day to encourage their creativity, imagination, cognitive thinking, social and language development, large and small muscle development, and exploration of their environment.  Our older infants accomplish many milestones, such and crawling, standing, walking, and first words!